Seemingly designed as a means to incent employees to unionize, the AFL-CIO makes finding the salaries of the CEOs of over 1100 public companies easy via its Executive PayWatch database.
The site features a browseable, alphabetical list of the companies. Clicking on any of the company names on the list brings up a new screen with the CEO's name and compensation. The data seems to be culled from a variety of public sources, though the site does not specifically say which. (A note on the PayWatch opening promises that "2000 CEO pay data for the companies in the Standard & Poor's Super 1,500 Index will be added to the database as the information becomes publicly available.")
For companies not on the PayWatch list, the site also gives visitors a step-by-step tutorial to retrieve CEO compensation from Definitive Proxy Statements (DEF) filed with the SEC.
Additionally, the site includes "Greed" a Flash "board game" "[that] takes the PayWatch visitor through a board game story of what life is like for a millionaire CEO and a worker struggling to make ends meet." (requires the Macromedia Flash player to view.)
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