From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, the Search Engine Colossus offers links to more than 200 search engines around the world. The list is in alphabetical order - by country.
Clicking on a particular country of interest brings up a list of search engines that index content in, or related to, that particular country. Many of these sites search and return results in English. (Instructions on the site's home page and the list of countries covered are also available in French and Spanish.)
For example, clicking on the listing for Bangladesh brings up the site's list of four search engines that index information related to that country. These include the regional Asiaco search engine, as well as the Bangla version of the popular search engine Google. Although Google's search page is in the Bangla language, a search for government returns the same results as Google's English language search page (and none of the results listed on the first three pages is related to Bangladesh). Asiaco's search however, returns results about Bangladesh and the Central Asia region, primarily in English.
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