LeapLaw™ calls itself an "essential toolbox." After taking a virtual tour of the site with its founder and creator, paralegal Denise Annunciata, we’d have to agree. What does LeapLaw do? The site contains information, in three clicks or less, relating to corporations such as corporate law, securities law, intellectual property, employment and labor, cyberlaw, tax law, immigration and some international issues. Annunciata came up with the idea of LeapLaw when she switched firms and realized that she would have to reinvent the wheel at her new firm since she no longer had access to all the material she had created at her previous firm. Her goal was to help corporate lawyers and paralegals to do more work in less time by using LeapLaw as their short cut.
Enlisting a group of corporate paralegals and lawyers to assist her, Annuciata has created a site that is continually updated, revised and expanded. For example, every 4-6 weeks, someone at LeapLaw will visit each secretary of state website to verify its URL and to look for any deletions, additions or revisions at the site. The information will then be reflected at LeapLaw.
At LeapLaw you will find a:
- Topical search engine and a Directory of Topics/Links—Whether you keyword search LeapLaw or click on its Directory of Topics/Links, LeapLaw provides access to every site a corporate lawyer and paralegal would typically need -- in all 50 states. And, to help lawyers get right to the heart of the matter, you are directed to the correct page within a site and not merely to the site's home page.
Links are provided to help you find:
- Corporate law:
- Corporate status
- Name availability
- State corporate forms
- Corporate laws
- Commercial laws
- Professional corporation laws
- Professions and occupations laws
- Information regarding online good standings, e-filings and certified copies
- Real Estate information
- Securities law
- Intellectual property
- Employment and labor law
- Cyber law
- Tax law
- Immigration law
- International issues
- Repository of initial drafting documents and hundreds of sample forms drafted by the LeapLaw legal team--in Word, so subscribers can easily edit the documents for their own use.
- Virtual colleague—with information about best practices and procedures (written by the LeapLaw team and focusing on dozens of sub-topics within the main topics of corporate law, securities law, intellectual property, employment and labor, , tax law, immigration and some international) and "50-state" charts and checklists also created by the team. The following are a few of the "50-state" checklist’s topics: (1) Due diligence; (2) Blue Sky Compliance; (3) IPOs and (4) Parent/Subsidiary Mergers. The following are a few of the "50-state"chart’s topics: (1) Incorporation; (2) LCC formation; (3) LLP formation; (4) Dissolution; (5) Consent drafting and (6) Foreign Qualification.
For more information on becoming a LeapLaw subscriber ($1,200/year per user—up to 2 users/, $3,000/year for 3 users and $600 per user for 4 users or more) call 508-376-8885 or send an e-mail to info@leaplaw.com. LeapLaw offers a two-week trial and an online demonstration.
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