AmBusi, a comprehensive business management resource from the American Business Institute dedicated to helping its members manage their business and life, has launched AmBusi For the Legal Professional. Its mission is to help members grow revenue, manage costs and make forward-thinking decisions that will lead to success. To do this, AmBusi researches products and services beneficial to its members and makes recommendations based on this research. Recently, AmBusi reviewed and ranked cellular phone calling plans. Ambusi also offers its members discounts on business products and services. 100% of all discounts and referral fees are passed on to its members. No "bounty" or "commision" is paid to AmBusi for offering the discount. Also, AmBusi does not accept advertising that could affect its advice.
In addition to the significant discounts on business products and services AmBusi members receive, their membership also includes a bi-weekly newsletter and Business Reports full of up-to-the-minute relevant information. Current "Business Reports" available to members include, up-to-date information regarding health savings accounts and a buyer's guide to purchasing used office furniture. Members can also receive personal answers from the AmBusi Question Center, access to links to a wide range of business resources, downloadable forms and templates for everything from business cards to incorporation papers, a Business Directory with links to services and products organized by business categories---and much more---all for only $279 annually.
AmBusi is owned and operated by business professionals who have demonstrated success in a variety of fields. The company utilizes leading experts in business, finance, human resources, the Internet, communications, marketing, and law.
AmBusi gives the business professional peace of mind with unprecedented support in the areas that cause the most frustration.
As a special offer to readers of the Internet For Lawyers newsletter, if you join AmBusi for Legal Professionals by December 31, 2004 you will receive a FREE case of fine Äpan Cabernet or Chardonnay wine with a custom printed label (a $144 value). Use promotional code IFLWINE to claim your special gift.
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