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Last year, to review the current state of citator services, we wrote a white paper comparing the citator services of Google Scholar, Fastcase, Casemaker, LexisNexis, WestlawNext, and Bloomberg. As much as we like our free access to Casemaker and Fastcase, we’ve always hoped that Casemaker and Fastcase would add a more robust, free citator (equal to Shepard’s, BCite, and KeyCite). But...
Today Fastcase announced a free enhancement to their case law identification algorithm that identifies overturned or reversed cases in its Authority Check system. Called "Bad Law Bot," the system uses "new algorithms to identify court cases that are cited with negative treatment and to alert researchers of a case’s negative citation history," according to the company's press release...
During our live continuing legal education seminars we discuss how to use the information found in social media profiles for evidence and how to get profiles admitted into evidence. If a profile owner assumes a pseudonym, authenticating the owner of the profile has proven to be a challenge. Some courts admit the profile into evidence and some do not. For that reason, we’ve been following...
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